March 20, 2018: IT IS FINISHED…at least partially!
For many, many months… Too many to even count at this point… We have watched Tom Daufenbach meticulously and steadfastly work on our electric in third phase. He works by himself. He reads blueprints. He pulls wires. He bends pipes (sometimes with his wife’s help-shout out to Mo)….and I’m not sure all that he does BUT I do know is this… There’s outlets where we need outlets. There’s switches where we need switches. There’s mechanically boxes where we need mechanically boxes. Tom has been a union electrician for many moons, and on his days off, and his days laid off, he has been back there working in third phase (minus an occasional fishing trip of which we allow because he brings Pastor Randy the first fruits of his fishing labors)!! He has worked in cold and heat. He has worked with helpers but mostly alone when no one else knows he is there. And today he has finished all the rooms…at least ready for inspection! So now we wait. Apparently we need a Building Permit in order to get an inspection. When we BUILT the building we had one, but now its expired and apparently we need to renew it even though the building is built. We have been waiting since December for them to renew…