March 4, 2018: Almost There, Buy a Chair!
$170 buys a chair. There is a treasure chest in the back of the sanctuary and pledge cards. If you want to purchase a chair, fill in the card or just drop your money in the treasure chest. All money in that chest is going to the chair fund. Don’t forget to put your name on the envelope so you will get your tax credit at the end of the year! DO YOU LIVE IN FAR AWAY PLACES like Texas, Florida, Louisiana, from New York to California and want to buy a chair for when you come to visit??? We would love for you to take part. Call the office with a credit card and we can take care of that for you! =)
Pastor gave many an impromptu tour this morning! If you didn’t get a chance to go on it and want to, let us know!! It would be our privilege but just so you know…the dead bird is still on the stage.