September 11, 2018: REALLY? THIS WEEK?

Many, MANY weeks ago we had to get on the calendar of the bleacher guys. The beginning of school is the busy time for them. Little did we know they we open this week and were her to put the bleachers in. Its grandparent’s week…but hey why not??? We are getting good at living in chaos. Last time it took weeks to get them done. Let’s see how long it takes this time. In 2 days, we will be packed out with parents and grandparents. Here we go…

I am super stoked to run into Rich fielding this morning. He has a little slow time right now and showed up with a couple guys to start putting in the suspended ceiling in the sanctuary just under the balcony. I AM SO EXCITED! The carpet guy has been awesome and he is finishing up his job and the boys are moving the saws outside to keep the mess out there! I like how they think!