MARCH 26, 2019: 99.9%
Today Randy got a text from Tom that said “Electric is 99.9% finished. The sound will be complete by Saturday night. Which only leaves me with the HVAC and timeout. It’s almost over. Praise God! I am in awe.” Just typing this out makes me well up in tears. There has been no one more faithful, diligent, perseverant than this man. Broken knuckles. Many challenges. Cold. Heat. So much wire. He worked by himself hours that only God knows. He knows every intricate part of this building. What you and I take for granted, he conceived. When you walk around and flip light switches or walk upstairs and its pitch black and the lights come on automatically…Only God and Tom know what it took to ‘let there be light’!
Another text from Tom…”Ken (our engineer) came in tonight. We have the first air handler unit online working with controls. He will be back Tuesday to get the 2nd one online. Truly almost done.”
The mud is going on so fast. Scooter has tiles behind the sinks in the office and coffee shop.